Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Just one of those days

Its just one of those days when youre at home relaxing and thoughts begin to run through your mind. Im starting to second guess the relationship that Im in. It just seems like Im the only one putting in an effort to make things work. I guess I should explain a bit. It is kinda a long distance relationship. We live on separate islands but the plane ride is only 35 minutes long. In the beginning he called and texted all the time and would make me feel his love. Now days Im lucky if we talk/text once a day. Sorta sucks that he is okay with it. I just dont know whats going on now days..

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A new start..

Trying to figure out this thing called love after having my heartbroken.. It's been over a year and finally feeling like Im ready to try my hand at another relationship. Finding it hard to trust once again even though he has done me no wrong. I just need to take things one day at a time. If its meant to be than everything should fall into place. Right?